The Cape Cod Village Story

Cape Cod Village (CCV) was founded in 2011 by Bob and Lauren Jones, clinical social workers from Orleans, Massachusetts and the parents of a young adult son with autism. Recognizing the need on Cape Cod for opportunities and safe and supportive residential housing, they began meeting with other parents who shared similar dreams. From these meetings, Cape Cod Village, An Innovative Community for Adults with Autism, was born.

Cape Cod Village is a 501c3 organization that owns the affordable housing project to provide permanent residency for up to 16 adults with autism. In its role as owner, CCV is responsible for maintaining and enhancing the property.

How it came to be...

  • 2012

    Cape Cod Village was incorporated as a non-profit corporation, the Board of Directors was formed, and the Mission & Vision Statements were created.

  • 2013

    CCV was granted status as a 501c3 non-profit corporation and the Capital Campaign began.

  • 2014

    Land was purchased in the center of Orleans with $350,000 donated from the Town of Orleans Community Preservation funds. Cape Cod Village has a home!

  • 2015

    The Disability Opportunity Fund offered a $400,000 loan.

  • 2016

    The USDA offered a $3 Million Loan; CPA Funding reached $950,000; the project was approved by the Executive Office for Health and Human Services of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

  • 2017

    Architectural Plans completed; received a $2 Million Grant from the Massachusetts Dept. of Housing and Community Development. The first Unmasking Autism Masquerade Gala signature fundraiser was held.

  • 2018

    Delphi Construction Co. hired; Capital Campaign reached $1.5 Million.

  • 2019

    The construction year with groundbreaking in January and completion in December. The second Unmasking Autism Masquerade Gala was held at Ocean Edge Resort and was a huge success.

  • 2020

    January – First residents move into their lifelong homes.